If want to play Native with a little extra, this version is the one for you!
Basic: This is just Native gameplay with some added music, sounds and items. To make Floris available to as many people as possible, we made several different versions: Due to all the different mods and features this pack has grown quite large in size, and asks a lot from your computer. Originally this pack started as a side project of my After Action Report (AAR) Me, Floris, but soon it had grown into a very full package in its own right. This is a combination of a lot of good mods created by the community, bringing them all together and enhancing your gameplay experience. Notes: If you have trouble viewing the editor in game, either press alt-enter to switch to windowed mode, or close the game and reconfigure it to start in windowed mode.Welcome to the Floris Mod Pack. Alternatively, falling into a trap set by bandits causes the chest to spawn next to you. Do the same exact thing you did in Tihr (Spawn Chest_a). For the Strange Sword and Strange Boots. You can remove the box by reopening the game editor and right clicking the box it should turn yellow. Crack the box open for your helm and great sword. The game will tell you that you made some changes- save them. You can also move up and down with e and c, respectively. You should be able to move your camera with w,a,s,d keys. In the 2nd box on the edit window, scroll until you find "chest_a". Save your game, turn on the editor through the settings menu, and start the game. Now a bit of work is needed on your part for the other 4 pieces. Keep going until you can see a pile of hay on your right. When you get there, take the first left head past the armorer. The easiest way to obtain the set is to use the "Find Item" cheatmenu cheat, or follow the instructions below. Hidden in the bushes and along the wall is the chest holding your new helm and great sword.
When you get the corner of the house make another right.
Keep going straight, then make a right. Make the first left under the overpass. Go up and open it for the short sword and armor. You should see a corner of the chest in the hay.
When you get there, take the first left and go past the armorer.
Strange Armor and Strange Short Sword.