The body of any living being is accompanied by limitations. Whis uses Ultra Instinct against Gokū and Vegeta.

After adopting the completed form, Moro's mane turned from brown to silver, and the markings under his eyes became pale, signifying his use of the technique.

This later proves true when Moro obtains Ultra Instinct by copying the abilities of the Angel Merus. This seems to be the case in the anime as well, as Whis and Beerus both recognize it and the Hakaishin from each universe stand to acknowledge Gokū's achievement. In the manga, the Hakaishin Beerus notes that any god would recognize this form as the technique Ultra Instinct. His hair remains raised slightly and his aura remains crystalline-though, in addition to blues and whites, it now sports purple and red hues as well and is noticeably brighter. When the technique fully manifests, Gokū's eyes and hair become a distinctive silver coloration. However, Son Gokū and Moro adopt a unique transformation when using it. Most users of Ultra Instinct, such as Whis, do not display a noticeable difference when using the technique.